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Re: Understanding mail/alpine build problem

On Mon, May 27, 2024 at 10:21:07PM +0200, Roland Illig wrote:
 > > Here's the part I don't understand. If I cd work/alpine-2.26/pico
 > > and run the exact command that failed (for pico), it succeeds.
 > If you want something more realistic than "cd work", try "make
 > build-env". If they differ, you at least have a clue.

Checking work/.work.log will tell you what the wrappers are doing,
and in this case it seems that -lterminfo is being dropped. Looking
into why, we're getting this in BUILDLINK_TRANSFORM:

   rm:-lterminfo rm:-ltermlib rm:-ltinfo l:termcap:termcap l:tinfo:terminfo l:curses:terminfo l:ncurses:terminfo rm:-liconv

and tracking down where that's coming from reveals that the problem is
that gettext-tools's includes mk/, and
this comes before alpine's inclusion of, and
that is injecting unwanted stuff.

Reordering the inclusions makes it work. I'll commit that.

This is not what we want; however, problems like this have come up
before and it isn't clear there's a good solution.

(And sooner or later we'll get one where the link fails one way with
the includes in one order and a different way in the other order, but
we aren't there yet.)

David A. Holland

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