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Re: Whither USE_CMAKE?

Jörg Sonnenberger <> writes:

> On 5/24/24 12:01 PM, Greg Troxel wrote:
>> While there is this phase out idea, I'm not sure we've ever said that
>> USE_CMAKE is deprecated.
> There is also a major caveat with devel/cmake/ it is much more
> position sensitive. Having to debug Python packages that no longer got
> the right CMAKE_ARGS was not fun...

Not saying you are wrong about that!

I don't see that mentioned in the comments in devel/cmake/

I have been finding it placed in the bl3 esction, and this is "obviousy
wrong", because it is not a bl3 file, but TOOL_DEPENDS and also
additional targets.

Could you add a comment near the top of devel/cmake/ that gives
a rule for what it must be before or after?   And explains why, since
makefile ordering is non-obvious.

Absent specific requirements, it seems obvious to me that it belongs

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