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Re: CVS commit: pkgsrc/graphics/tiff

On Mon, Dec 18, 2023 at 02:50:23AM +0100, Dr. Thomas Orgis wrote:
> Maybe related, though: I am not sure about revbumps. Would such also be
> needed for the libxml2 change that 'just' adds configure args to fix
> dependent packages (which don't need rebuild, though)?

The basic idea is - if the binary package changes, you should bump
PKGREVISION for a package.

If e.g. a shared library version or linked libraries change, then a
dependency would link against another library versions/more libraries,
then the binary package would change and you'd need a recursive bump.

I'm not quite sure where your case falls into - it sounds like:
- libxml2 has more features (so its binary package changed -> PKGREVISION++)
- some packages need that
  - so they should require the new changed libxml2 version
    - so the dependency graph changes, so the binary package changes -> PKGREVISION++

Since only "some" packages are affected, only those should get a
BUILDLINK_API_DEPENDS.libxml2 line for the fixed libxml2 version and a

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