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Re: increasing cmake requirement?

Am 21. Juli 2023 14:49:55 MESZ schrieb Greg Troxel <>:
>"Dr. Thomas Orgis" <> writes:

>Do you believe that a significant number of packages will fail to build
>with 3.19?

Not really. Since I got the extracted sources at hand, a look in a
rather big project:

pcl-pcl-1.11.1$ find . -name CMakeLists.txt | xargs grep cmake_minimum_required | perl -ne '$count{$1}++ if /VERSION\s+([\d.]+)/; END { print map { "$_: $count{$_}\n" } keys %count; }'
2.6: 16
2.8: 55
3.5: 1
2.8.11: 2

So most sub-projects are fine with 2.x (or claim that … is this checked
some way?) and 3.9 should have been fine here. Another project source I
see here wants 3.12.

Of course, some hackery in pkgsrc could easily check CMakeLists.txt for
the minimum version and give us the current picture. But then we might
start wondering about more automatic dependency scanning for
everything, parsing pkg-config calls, 

>Debian 10 having 3.18 is also a vote for 3.18.
>Given that this was so old with nobody noticing, I'd like to err on the
>side of older.

I guess 3.18, 3.19 are fine. Building CMake once every few years might
be not too much to ask.

Alrighty then,


Dr. Thomas Orgis
HPC @ Universität Hamburg

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