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Re: pkgsrc leakage and default pkg options

John Nemeth <> writes:

> On Apr 30, 19:44, Greg Troxel wrote:
> } 
> } There is no good way, because it might be installed, and it's not really
> } reasonable to say "if options of dependency A don't match what I want,
> } do make replace with my options".  And it's not ok for pkgsrc to end up
> } in different states based on order of builds, except we allow "I want
> } pgsql" to be "if the installed version is acceptable use it", so people
> } who build a non-default pgsql first end up using that for everything.
>      If this hasn't been done, which I don't think it has, could
> it be done for MySQL, please?

Why do you think it hasn't been implemented?  Reading
mk/, that support appears to be there.

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