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Re: another release monitoring site

pin <> writes:

> Great, thx.
> Personally, I use,

I have too, but I think it's good to wave the pkgsrc flag everywhere sane.

> It already lists pkgsrc and you can search by package and by maintainer.

Doesn't work for me.   I found gpsd:

and there is no pkgsrc listed.


there is NetBSD with a handful of projects, in a  way that doesn't make
sense, and no pkgsrc.

Can you explain

  how to find out what version of gpsd is in pkgsrc and if it's out of
  date, from  (I am the pkgsrc maintainer and
  part of upstream, so I know - just an example!)

  how to ask for a list of all projects that are
  1) in pkgsrc and 2) out of date?

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