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Re: sub-pakage to replace a file in the main package

Edgar Fuß <> writes:

>> But more importantlly, it feels like sort of reinventing alternatives.
> But is it doable using alternatives? I'd love to use existing infrastracture, 
> but my impression was it would need user interaction. Also, the intended use 
> case looks more to be personal preferences (nvi/vim) or incompatible versions 
> (python2/3) than simply augmented functionality.

It is basically incompatible versions.  Two things with the same name,
one of which is serial only, and one which is serial and usb.

But it's different in that you want the serial/usb joint version to have
the name.

So how about:

  install foo_ser in the base package

  install foo_usb in the usb package

  in the base package, add a script foo that looks to see if foo_usb is
  present and if so execs it, and otherwise execs foo_ser

That's not like alternatives in that there's no choice step, and also it
works even if people haven't installed alternatives which as I see it is

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