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freeze for 2019Q4 is over!

I have branched pkgsrc-2019Q4.

This branch seems like it will be a good one in terms of not having
major problems.  Thanks to everyone who helped by updating packages,
improving infrastructure, testing, posting draft fixes, and committing
fixes over the last quarter.  And especially to those who are running
bulk builds of pkgsrc-current and posting them to jperkin@/joyent (smartos), mef@ (netbsd-9
amd64), and jmcneill@ (netbsd-9 earmv7hf and aarch64).  And of course
the people/teams that do bulk builds of the branches once they exist.

There is an outstanding issue with glib2; the symptom is that qemu
sparc64 (critical for NetBSD automated testing) doesn't work right.
This may or may not be a return of a previous issue, and the notion is
to fix it in pkgsrc-current and pull up the fix to pkgsrc-2019Q4.  So
please continue to hold off version updates to glib2 as that gets
sorted, with any luck over the next week or two.  (More or less, glib2
remains in freeze -- but feel free to propose changes.)

The next elephant in the room is the status of python 2.7, which is
said to be EOL on 2020-01-01, but in fact the release of 2.7.18 is
scheduled for "mid-April, 2020".

The python 2.7->3 transition has been a long, somewhat difficult
process.  pkgsrc still has programs that are 2.7 only, and we're
starting to see libraries that have new versions without 2.7 support,
which if just updated would break 2.7-only programs.  PMC is discussing
how to deal with this, so for the next week or so please avoid updates
to python libs with existing 2.7 support to versions that drop 2.7
support, or anything else drastic.  (Please feel free to bring up
related issues on tech-pkg, of course.)

The tree is once again open for committing.   (pkgsrc-releng: please
hold off on pullups until the on-branch tasks are complete)


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