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Re: infrastructure for autoreconf

On 16.08.2019 18:32, Tobias Nygren wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have quite a few packages that TOOL_DEPEND on autoconf/automake and
> override the pre-configure target with a rules that does
> "cd ${WRKSRC} && autoreconf".

I prefer to not normalize it as many things depend on 'autoreconf -fi'
or particular type of ./ ./ etc.

However, if we want to normalize it, I am for "autoreconf -fi".

> This pattern is cargo culted all over the tree and I think we can do
> better, at least for the straight forward packages. Either we could
> extend GNU_CONFIGURE to accept other values than yes/no, for example:
> GNU_CONFIGURE=	regenerate
> or maybe
> GNU_CONFIGURE=	autoreconf
> Or we could introduce a new companion variable.

This one makes the most sense to me as it tells to include an additional
stage before running configure.

> I prefer the first option for being the most compact.
> Let's bikeshed for a while about the best syntax and add it to mk/?
> -Tobias

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