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DESCRIPTION in pkg_summary - is it necessary?

This is more of a wondering out loud than a concrete proposal, but
would anyone care if we dropped DESCRIPTION from the output of


 - It accounts for around 50% of the output, however...

 - ...pkgin has never used it, so it's currently useless for the
   largest consumer of this output.

 - Dropping it would make some of my work to speed up "pkg_info -Xa" a
   bit easier, as well as the obvious benefits of reducing the amount
   of fetching required for "pkgin update".

A bit of background on the "pkg_info -Xa" thing, it is called by pkgin
whenever the pkgdb has been updated (e.g. "pkg_add foo") so that it
can refresh its package database.  However, on a system with many
thousands of packages installed and the pkgdb not in the file system
cache, this can take around 20 minutes.  Not good.

One idea I have is to create another bdb cache like we have for
pkgdb.byfile.db which caches the pkg_summary for each package.

Jonathan Perkin  -  Joyent, Inc.  -

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