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pkg-config files for multiversion Lua


For a multiversion support of Lua packages lang/lua51 and lang/lua52
I need to decide how to handle two currently conflicting lua.pc
files. In my current local version they're split into two: lua-5.1.pc
and lua-5.2.pc. But at least one package www/lua-curl checks for a
package called 'lua'. Because there is no lua.pc file in the buildlink
shadow directory, pkg-config fails for this package.

I wanted to add a symbolic link lua.pc -> lua-${_LUA_DOT_VERSION}.pc to
the shadow directory but I don't see any support for it in the buildlink
framework. I see many versioned .pc files in /usr/pkg/lib/pkgconfig but
I couldn't find any package that checks unversioned .pc file at config
stage. I only checked few packages, though.

So I wonder what is a best way to fix packages that pass plain
unversioned 'lua' string to pkg-config?


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