Notice the conflict in this snippet from gettext-lib/
# A built-in gettext is always going to use a built-in iconv. .if !empty(USE_BUILTIN.gettext:M[yY][eE][sS]) USE_BUILTIN.iconv= yes .else BUILDLINK_INCDIRS.gettext+= include/gettext BUILDLINK_FNAME_TRANSFORM.gettext+= -e 's|include/gettext/|include/|' .endif
It is senseless to add -I${BUILDLINK_DIR}/include/gettext to CPPFLAGS if collapses 'include/gettext' into 'include'.
I've been able to suppress the warnings by commenting out the 'BUILDLINK_FNAME_TRANSFORM.gettext' statement.
Alternately, the 'BUILDLINK_INCDIRS.gettext' statement could be replaced by a symlink from 'include/gettext' back to 'include'
Any comments/observations/history as to why this shouldn't be fixed?