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Re: Chaging uid/gid at binary install

On 23 Feb 2011 07:27, "Steven Drake" <> wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Feb 2011, Masao Uebayashi wrote:
>> Can we provide a pre-defined pkgsrc username/UID "range"?
>> For example, if I set PKG_UID_RANGE=500-999 and install foo-1.2.3
>> which needs user "_foo" which has pkgsrc UID index 50, pkg_add(8)
>> will useradd(8) user "_foo" as 550 and chown files.
>> Does this sound reasonable?
> No! This is because there is no way of knowing if any uid/gid or range
> is really free or not. E.g. what if uid 550 is already used?
> The current way may be a pain but it works, moving to a system with fixed
> uids like you suggested would cause a lot of problems.

I suspect for the majority of users the suggested change would cause much fewer problems. 

Would the following address your concerns?

- in the event of an existing passwd entry with conflicting data: either just fail or dynamically allocate from the top of the range (option)
- have an option to always dynamically allocate (possibly from the top of the range)

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