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"science" or "physics" category


I propose to introduce a category for multiphysics software
or to rename "biology" into "science" or "physics".

Note that "biology" carries semi-empirical quantum chemistry (QC) software,
namely MOPAC, and molecular dynamics (MD) software (GROMACS) already.
I have half-finished density functional theory (DFT) package, and plan
to deliver some more QC/QM and MD/MM packages. If I continue adding similar
software into "biology" it will become "biology and chemical physics" soon.

I also plan to bring some multiphysics software dealing with FEM, FVM,
DEM, perhaps some spectral and quasi-spectral methods and related problems
(like CFD). While it may be regarded as "math" it still differs from
being mathematics in that it may use empirical facts that don't quite
align with generic "math".


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