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py-cElementTree package


I crated wip/py-cElementTree for c module of builtin cElementTree.
It will probably resolve PR#41848 and PR#41098.

Before import it in pkgsrc main tree, I want to ask about some unclear points.

1. PKGNAME should be py-celementtree, as described in "Download and install" 
section of HOMEPAGE?
2. Python24 does not contains builtin cElementTree, need to download individual 
distfile and build.
   builtin cElementTree and individual one should be in one package? or 
individual package?
   1) if the former, for python>25, no chance to install newer module than 
builtin one.
      (now, individual one is release version 1.0.5 and preview version 1.0.6,
       python{25,26,31} contains patched version of 1.0.5).
   2) if the later, how about PKGNAME for builtin one?
      * sqlite module's PKGNAME (individual py-sqlite2 and builtin py-sqlite3) 
gives a false impression
      * dependency pattern will be complex.

"Of course I love NetBSD":-)
OBATA Akio /

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