Hello Ignatios,
On Fri, Aug 22, 2008 at 02:03:25PM +0200, Ignatios Souvatzis wrote:
It's not the first time i've been bitten by advanced aliasitis
conflicting with older programs that I'm using.
Now it's the debianized surfraw, installing a symbolic link called
"sr" for no added value, conflicting with the compiler from "lang/sr".
Now, this is a problem for me, as I'm maintaining sr, and using
I'll split the "surfraw" package into surfraw-base, being the sane
subset, create a conflicting (but declared!) surfraw-sr for the
Debian lovers, and, btw, add "surfraw-netbsd" which adds back
"netbsd -pr" (unless somebody complains very loudly).
Why don't you just remove the conflicting alias (and add the netbsd
script or what was it)? Splitting up the package looks like a lot
of work for very little to no gain. Just keep it simple.