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Re: TCP connection and "Host is down"

Greg Troxel <> wrote:
>>>> Index: netinet/sctp_output.c
>>>> [...]
>>> looks good.  I bet that it will help 73% of the 0 people using SCTP,
>>> [...]
>> Now now.  I know people who work at a company whose principal product
>> is layered atop SCTP.  They're currently using Linux (who isn't? grr),
>> but if NetBSD doesn't have working SCTP, it can't ever have any users.
> Thanks for the data point.  I agree SCTP working is nicer, and meant
> that absent anyone responding to a call for testing, the patch looks
> like an improvement.

I couldn't see how to generate the EHOSTDOWN error for a period of time
to be able to test the patch, it looks reasonable though.

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