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Re: Adding packet filtering to tun interfaces


On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 10:25:31AM +0100, Tom Ivar Helbekkmo wrote:
> Possible bonus improvement: tun_output() was always returning 0, even if
> errors occured, and I fixed that.  That *may* be the reason for another
> change I just observed: my NetBSD OpenVPN clients would be slow to
> connect, taking from a few seconds to a couple of minutes to get their
> VPNs operative, as opposed to Linux clients, which would get online
> immediately.  Mounting NFS file systems on the NetBSD clients over the
> established VPN would take between two and ten seconds, typically.  This
> morning, I restarted one of my clients, and to my surprise saw it both
> connect the VPN and mount the file systems with no delays.  Might have
> been a fluke; might be real.  I'll test some more.

I'd be interesting to hear more about that - "connection establishment"
and "tun interface initialization" in OpenVPN should both not depend on 
anything put *into* the tun FD (-> tun_output()).

So if you can reproduce the slowness, I'd like to see openvpn logs
(with --verb 3) - since this is somewhat offtopic on tech-net, feel
free to unicast my way.

  NetBSD user, OpenVPN maintainer

now what should I write here...

Gert Doering - Munich, Germany                   

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