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pppoe, dhcpcd v6 and renew

my new DSL provider has an ipv6 setup which requires the client side
to send a Delegated Prefix request to get the NRA to route the ipv6 block
to the client.
I could do this with dhcpcd:
interface pppoe0
	ia_pd 0
	nohook resolv.conf, hostname, ntp.conf

my router just needs to send a dhcp6 request or rebind, it doesn't need
to handle the reply (everything is static).

The problem is, if for some reason the pppoe session terminates,
the kernel will successfully initiates a new one but dhcpcd doens't send
a rebind, and the ISP stops routing my prefix. I have to manually
restart dhcpcd to fix this.
I tried ifwatchd but pppoe doesn't send events in this case.

I tried to add a 'leasetime 600' in dhcpcd.conf, in the hope that
dhcpcd would periodically send a rebind but it doens't happen.

Any idea how this could be properly fixed ?
I could periodically start dhcpcd from cron but I'd prefer a cleaner
way to achieve this ...

Manuel Bouyer <>
     NetBSD: 26 ans d'experience feront toujours la difference

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