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Re: merge of bouyer-socketcan

On 18/05/2017 9:30 PM, Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> ...
> I'd like to merge the bouyer-socketcan branch to HEAD in the next few
> days (hopefully early next week, or maybe sunday), unless someone objects
> to the idea of a socketcan implementation in NetBSD.
> CAN stands for Controller Area Network, a broadcast network used
> in automation and automotive fields. For example, the NMEA2000 standard
> developped for marine devices uses a CAN network as the link layer.
> This is an implementation of the linux socketcan API:
> you can also see can(4) in the branch.

As per the Google-Oracle Java fight in court whereupon APIs
were deemedas being copyright-able, it would seem to me that
implementing a Linuxcompatible interface that is GPL without
making the copy also GPL wouldbe a copyright violation of
the original work.Do you have permission from the original
authors to implement a non-GPL artifact of their interfaces?


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