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Re: RFC: gif(4) MP-ify

   Date: Wed, 6 Jan 2016 14:19:01 +0900
   From: Kengo NAKAHARA <>

   On 2016/01/06 3:40, Taylor R Campbell wrote:
   > There are a couple other things I'm concerned about in the patch -- I
   > notice you're doing softint_establish with a lock held.  Maybe that's
   > OK, but it makes me a little nervous.  I don't have time right now but
   > I would like to take a closer look in the next few days at some of the
   > changes like that that your patch makes.

   It works for my environment for now..., meanwhile I see your point.
   Thank you for your help. I'm looking forward to your review.

I took a closer look at your patch, and at your fix for 50522.  I'm
concerned about a few things:

- missing memory barriers in handling the reference counts,
- (future) performance impact of atomics in gifintr and gif_output,
- global invariants for the gif list, and overcomplexity of the
locking scheme.

In particular:

- The following fragment of gifintr probably needs a memory barrier on
non-x86 platforms:

	if (sc->gif_pdst == NULL || sc->gif_psrc == NULL) {

Otherwise, gifintr on CPU 0 might load nonnull values from
sc->gif_pdst and sc->gif_psrc before gif_set_tunnel on CPU 1 sees
positive sc->gif_si_refs.  I'm a little unclear on the rest of the
protocol -- but I suspect it can be done without atomics or mutexes
anyway in the packet-processing path.

- Atomics are expensive interprocessor synchronization operations, so
we should avoid them where unnecessary for MP-scalability --
particularly in the packet-processing path.  In this case I think it
shouldn't be too hard to avoid: we simply need to prevent calls to
gif_output before we do softint_disestablish.

- With your proposed patch, if CPU 0 and CPU 1 both run gif_set_tunnel
with the same address, then they might

(a) first find no existing gif(4) having that address;
(b) next configure gif0 and gif1 with the same address; and then
(c) finally leave the system in a state where gif0 and gif1 have the
same address,

which violates the global invariant that gif_set_tunnel tries to
enforce.  So we really need (a), (b), and (c) to happen atomically.

I think the following protocol should be simpler and safer:

- One global interruptible lock for the system's gif(4) configuration.
- No per-gif(4) locks at all.
- Split gif_encap_detach (and in/in6_gif_detach) into two parts:
  . gif_encap_pause: prevent further use of gif_output (encap_detach)
  . gif_encap_detach: destroy data structures associated with it (rtcache_free)
- Make gif_set_tunnel do:
  1. acquire global lock
  2. check invariant -- reject duplicate gif src/dst addresses
  3. gif_encap_pause
  4. softint_disestablish
  5. gif_encap_detach, sockaddr_free
  6. gif_encap_attach
  7. softint_establish
  8. release global lock
- Make gif_delete_tunnel do:
  1. acquire global lock
  2. gif_encap_pause
  3. softint_disestablish
  4. gif_encap_detach, sockaddr_free
  5. release global lock

The global lock, for the moment, can just be KERNEL_LOCK: it is
acquired only during ifconfig(8), not in the packet-processing path.
Or you could make an interruptible lock out of a mutex, condvar, and
flag.  It should be interruptible so that if `ifconfig gif0 tunnel
...' hangs for any reason, then another process trying to do the same
can handle ^C.

Here's a quick sketch of an interruptible lock:

struct {
	kmutex_t 		lock;
	kcondvar_t		cv;
	struct lwp		*busy;
	LIST_HEAD(gif_softc)	head;	/* protected by gif_list_enter/exit */
} gif_list __cacheline_aligned;

static int
	int error;

	while (gif_list.busy != NULL) {
		error = cv_wait_sig(&, &gif_list.lock);
		if (error) {
			return error;
	KASSERT(gif_list.busy == NULL);
	gif_list.busy = curlwp;

	return 0;

static void

	KASSERT(gif_list.busy == curlwp);
	gif_list.busy = NULL;

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