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smbfs gives Input/output errors

Hello all,

Trying to get my AD share mounted at work through smbfs, but I'm running into 
some problems that I'm hoping someone might be able to elucidate.

I'm able to mount_smbfs the share (//Jaap1@HOST/Staff), and if I look at the 
directory contents, I can see them. However, if I try to access my home 
directory, Home/J/Jaap1, I get an Input/output error.

I can access the share through smbclient (I know that's a different mechanism, 
but at least it shows that the share is accessible from the outside)

smbutil view //Jaap1@HOST results in this:
smbutil: unable to list resources: syserr = RPC struct is bad

Now, all this might of course just be a server configuration problem, but 
before I start the long process of talking to our IT department, I thought I 
might just see if there is something I can do on my side.

One of the directions I was thinking in is that for some reason the server 
thinks I don't have permission to access my home directory (maybe it thinks 
I'm a guest user or something?) and I've noticed that there are a lot of 
connection options to mount_smbfs (-M and -O for example), but I haven't 
really been able to figure out from the manpage or Googling what those 
actually do (and if they might help). Can anyone enlighten me?

In general, any advice would be appreciated!



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