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Re: dhcpcd in netbsd-7 and -current

John Klos wrote:
>I'm curious if anyone is working on any of the known issues with dhcpcd. 
>I've seen it mentioned in various other places that there are instances 
>where dhcpcd doesn't work, but dhclient does. I've come across this 
>myself, but not consistently enough to gather much data.

One suggestion was that dhcpcd is reacting to the behaviour of the
underlying network interfaces, in particular carrier detection, which
interfaces are you using ?

>Furthermore, it appears that dhcpcd doesn't run as expected on NetBSD-7 or 
>current. On NetBSD-7 from two days ago, every third time or so that I send 
>dhcpcd a signal (dhcpcd -p --exit, for instance) when it is in master 
>mode, it pegs the CPU and fails to quit until a kill -9 is sent. Launching 
>dhcpcd for the first time on -current (evbmips64-eb) works, sorta, but 
>spews a non-ending stream of uninterruptible messages to the console:
>trap: pid 892(dhcpcd): sig 11: cause=0x8 epc=0x100173e8 va=0
>[ 0]=00000000 [ 1]=ffffffffffffffc0 [ 2]=00000005 [ 3]=00000000
>[ 4]=ffffffffffffffff [ 5]=1c18000000000000 [ 6]=00000000 [ 7]=7fff6930
>[ 8]=00000000 [ 9]=0000005e [10]=00000000 [11]=00000000
>[12]=7fff4e88 [13]=00000007 [14]=00000000 [15]=7878bff0
>[16]=78419290 [17]=7fff6930 [18]=7fff6870 [19]=00000000
>[20]=00000000 [21]=78419a60 [22]=00000000 [23]=10020000
>[24]=7fff68a8 [25]=7871bb80 [26]=00000000 [27]=00000000
>[28]=10060550 [29]=7fff67b8 [30]=78434240 [31]=100172dc

More missing netbsd32 ioctl() emulation ?

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