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Re: question about mbuf intialization

On Sep 20, 12:59pm, (Beverly Schwartz) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: question about mbuf intialization

| On Sep 19, 2013, at 4:21 PM, Christos Zoulas <> =
| wrote:
| > In article <>,
| > Beverly Schwartz  <> wrote:
| >>=20
| >> Any reason why we can't add
| >>    m->m_len =3D 0;
| >> to m_get, and
| >>    m->m_pkthdr.len =3D 0;
| >> to m_gethdr?
| >=20
| > Makes sense, but at the same time we should remove the superfluous =
| zeroing
| > from the other places...
| A quick scan of the code shows that some of the time m_len is set to 0, =
| but more of the time, the library using it just sets it to its ultimate =
| value.
| There are places in uipc_mbuf.c that immediately set m_len to 0 after =
| getting an mbuf, and I think it's fair to remove those.

Those are the ones I saw, how many more are there?

| It would take a commitment of time to go through all architectures, =
| devices and protocols to find every instance where there is a 0 =
| initialization that needs to be removed.  It's not a commitment of time =
| I am willing to make.

I'll check it out.

| So I guess my question is, would the list approve of a merge upstream of =
| changes to uipc_mbuf.c that include the two intializations listed above, =
| and removal of superflous initializations in just uipc_mbuf.c?

I think that the change is good.

| If the answer is yes, would someone who has authority to make changes to =
| the source be willing to put in the change?  I normally have gdt do =
| this, but he is not available to do a checkin at this time.

I would wait for more people to chime in.


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