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Re: IPv6 and ND on tap(4)

   /sbin/route add -inet6 2001:608:4:a053::/64 2001:608:4:a053::1:0

There is no reason to do this.  Configuring an address automatically
adds a route covering that prefix.  It should not have worked (gotten a
route exists error), but either it overwrote or the cloning route was
missing for some reason (which is the thing to fix).

  2001:608:4:a000::/56               2001:608:4:a053::1             UGS         
0        0      -  tap0
  2001:608:4:a053::/64               2001:608:4:a053::1:0           UGS         
1        0      -  tap0

This looks wrong, but is probably due to the previous issues.   Where
did that /56 come from?

When doing netstat, do netstat -rn -f inet6 and then filter out what you
are sure is not relevant, rather than assuming grepping for tap0 will
show you everything you should look at.

When you configure the address on tap0, it should get a cloning route,
which will have flags UC.  This should be in generic ethernet code.
Note that this apparently happened correctly for v4.

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