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netstat broken?


Am I doing something wrong, or is netstat broken? I have a system which has been up for 87 days and I wanted to see how much of the traffic it's pushed is IPv6, so I ran netstat -s. However, the tcp and tcp6 numbers are the same:

        17070427856 packets sent
                17006695804 data packets (23370730673596 bytes)
                28401398 data packets (31471840031 bytes) retransmitted
                25306035 ack-only packets (26034992 delayed)
                0 URG only packets
                905578 window probe packets
                6339327 window update packets
                2781859 control packets
                2 send attempts resulted in self-quench
        17070427877 packets sent
                17006695825 data packets (23370730680300 bytes)
                28401398 data packets (31471840031 bytes) retransmitted
                25306035 ack-only packets (26034992 delayed)
                0 URG only packets
                905578 window probe packets
                6339327 window update packets
                2781859 control packets
                2 send attempts resulted in self-quench

What's going on?

John Klos

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