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Re: PROPSAL: import Apple's mDNSResponder

>>>>> "dm" == der Mouse <mouse%Rodents-Montreal.ORG@localhost> writes:
>>>>> "ts" == Ty Sarna <> writes:

    dm> says no .local TLD exists.  Given that, I think
    dm> it is a very bad idea

relax.  there's an rfc for it.

    dm> certainly support efforts to get .local reserved for
    dm> site-local uses like this.  But until that happens,

It's already happened, but it's reserved for mDNS, not for
``site-local'' use.  Some sites are using .local as a bogus TLD in
normal bind-style DNS, and people all over the place are now advising
each other to pick another bogus TLD for this purpose because the
``rough consensus'' in the rfc and the ``running code'' in Mac OS X,
Ubuntu, Solaris have claimed .local for mDNS.

    >> * What server and client applications in base would want to do
    >> this?

    ts> Potentially all of them. Any client benefits, if we have nss
    ts> support. 

yeah, IMHO it'd be really great if, whatever it defaults to, while it
is ``on'' it works everywhere without modifying or relinking anything,
the way it does on Mac OS X.

AIUI both Mac OS X and Solaris have a caching non-recursive resolver,
so for example when you change DNS records, even if you are pointed
with resolv.conf to another server your client will not pick up the
changes until you type 'svcadm restart name-service-cache' or
'dnscacheutil -flushcache' to clear the old data. NetBSD obviously
hasn't got a caching resolver---I wonder if growing such a thing is
needed for good-neighbor transparent mDNS, or is everything you need
in the mDNSResponder server part.

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