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Re: (patch) Improved documentation and examples of dynamic modules

"Kamil Rytarowski" <> writes:

>> Also, "happy" doesn't seem like a useful name; examples should have
>> names that suggest the kinds of things they do with respect to the
>> module system, to guide people choosing which ones to read.
> Well, I like /dev/happy for Happy Number generator. What would be the
> better name?

random_generator?  The point is that someone looking at examples does
not care what particular generator you are using; the point is about the
glue code.  It would be fair, arguably better, to have a "random
generator" that emits sequential numbers. Anything other than module
glue is a distraction.

>> > I like it. Maybe place them in `share/examples/kmodules'?
>> share/examples/sys/modules would be better; kmodules is not the name of
>> a program in base and would be confusing to someone expecting examples
>> to be about programs in base.
> kmodule was inspired by (/usr/share/mk/) and it was so
> natural for me to pick up this name. Maybe share/examples/sys/kmodule?

I am ok with sys/kmuodules (if this is mis-installed in share/examples).

> I'm improving this single example adding to it 4 additional modules and
> README. There is no revolution, except moving the original example to a
> new location.

So why not just example-foo, example-bar, etc.

> I'm trying to improve the documentation and add more enlightening examples
> for newcomers (like myself!).

> I'm aware of the fact that experienced kernel programmers familiar with
> NetBSD internals know how to handle all kinds of things, dependencies and
> for them following 'ab uno disces omnis' (single example just parsing the
> parameters) is sufficient.

> Please let it be easier for people starting to hack in the kernel from
> the modules (people like me) and not assuming they mastered the kernel
> internals.

That's great that you are spiffin gup docs and I didn't mean to be
critical of it.  I just meant that 1) examples belong in the source tree
2) example name should be about the kind of function and 3) examples
should have minimal semantic distraction besides their glue functions.
So for example a fs transformation module could be gzip or just
rot13, with just barely enough code to see that it is doing something,
and a generator could just return 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. enough that you
can tell it is working.

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