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MI non-interlocked atomic ops?

Does NetBSD run on any processor architectures where it is difficult
or impossible in the kernel[1] to provide non-interlocked atomic
operations?  That is, operations that are atomic with respect to other
operations *on the same processor*, but possibly divisible by operations
on other processors?

On x86, creating non-interlocked variants of atomic operations is
usually a small matter of leaving the LOCK prefix off of an instruction,
because traps, interrupts, et cetera, only occur between instructions.
(Do correct me if I am wrong about this!)  I figure that it is more
complicated on a RISC machine where there may be no/few instructions
that read-modify-write RAM.

I ask because the other day I stumbled on the statistics-counting
function mbstat_type_add(),

        mbstat_type_add(int type, int diff)
                struct mbstat_cpu *mb;
                int s;

                s = splvm();
                mb = percpu_getref(mbstat_percpu);
                mb->m_mtypes[type] += diff;

which spends (on x86) a small but not immeasurable amount of time in
splx(s), so I was tempted to rewrite it like this:

        mbstat_type_add(int type, int diff)
                struct mbstat_cpu *mb;

                mb = percpu_getref(mbstat_percpu);
                atomic_add_uint_ni(&mb->m_mtypes[type], diff);

There is no such routine as atomic_add_uint_ni(), though, and I don't
know if every NetBSD architecture can supply that routine.


[1] Or in userland, too, I guess, but I'm mainly interested
    in the kernel.

David Young    Urbana, IL    (217) 721-9981

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