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Re: laptop speaker dead with hdaudio said:
> First thing to do is set HDAUDIO_AFG_DEBUG near the top of
> hdaudio_afg.c

Thanks - here is the output:
hdaudio0 at pci0 dev 27 function 0: HD Audio Controller
hdaudio0: interrupting at ioapic0 pin 21
hdafg0 at hdaudio0 vendor 0x8384 product 0x7690 nid 0x01 (firmware
hdafg0: parsing widgets
hdafg0: afg start 02 end 15 nwidgets 19
hdafg0: powering up widgets
hdafg0: afg widgets 0xcb53a000-0xcb53b430
hdafg0: parsing controls
hdafg0: disabling non-audio devices
hdafg0: disabling useless devices
hdafg0: parsing associations
hdafg0:   count present associations
hdafg0:   maxassocs 2
hdafg0:   allocating memory
hdafg0:   scan associations, skipping as=0
hdafg0:   all done
hdafg0: building tree
hdafg0: disabling unassociated pins
hdafg0: disabling unselected pins
hdafg0: disabling useless devices
hdafg0: disabling cross-associated pins
hdafg0: disabling useless devices
hdafg0: assigning mixer names to sound sources
hdafg0: assigning mixers to device tree
hdafg0: preparing pin controls
hdafg0: commiting settings
hdafg0: setup jack sensing
hdafg0: building mixer controls
hdafg0: DAC0:02, Analog HP Out: Jack (Black, 0D)
hdafg0: ADC1:03, Analog Mic In: Fixed Function (Unknown, 0F)
hdafg0: ADC1:03, Analog Line In: Jack (Black, 10)
hdafg0: configuring encodings
hdafg0: 2ch/2ch 44100Hz-192000Hz 16/16 20/32 24/32
hdafg0: reserving streams
hdafg0: connecting streams
hdafg0: attaching audio device
audio0 at hdafg0: full duplex, independent
hdvsmfg at hdaudio0 vendor 0x14F1 product 0x2BFA nid 0x02 not configured

> This tool will dump the current pin configuration as a graphviz .dot chart:

Great - I'll append the output.

best regards

Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
52425 Juelich
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Juelich
Eingetragen im Handelsregister des Amtsgerichts Dueren Nr. HR B 3498
Vorsitzende des Aufsichtsrats: MinDir'in Baerbel Brumme-Bothe
Geschaeftsfuehrung: Prof. Dr. Achim Bachem (Vorsitzender),
Dr. Ulrich Krafft (stellv. Vorsitzender), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Bolt,
Prof. Dr. Sebastian M. Schmidt
digraph "HD Audio" {
 widget02h [shape=box,style=filled,fillcolor="#88ff88"];
 widget03h [shape=box,style=filled,fillcolor="#ff8888"];
 widget0Ah -> widget03h [sametail=widget0Ah];
 widget04h [shape=box,style=filled,fillcolor="#ff8888"];
 widget08h -> widget04h [sametail=widget08h];
 widget05h [shape=box,style=filled,fillcolor="#88ff88"];
 widget07h [shape=invtrapezium];
 widget02h -> widget07h [sametail=widget02h];
 widget08h -> widget07h [sametail=widget08h];
 widget0Ah -> widget07h [sametail=widget0Ah];
 widget05h -> widget09h [sametail=widget05h];
 widget0Ah -> widget09h [sametail=widget0Ah];
 widget0Ah [shape=invtrapezium];
 widget0Ch -> widget0Ah [sametail=widget0Ch];
 widget0Bh [shape=invtrapezium];
 widget07h -> widget0Bh [sametail=widget07h];
 widget0Ch [shape=invtrapezium];
 widget10h -> widget0Ch [sametail=widget10h];
 widget0Fh -> widget0Ch [sametail=widget0Fh];
 widget0Eh -> widget0Ch [sametail=widget0Eh];
 widget0Dh -> widget0Ch [sametail=widget0Dh];
 widget12h -> widget0Ch [sametail=widget12h];
 widget0Dh [label="widget0Dh\ndevice=HP 
 widget0Bh -> widget0Dh [sametail=widget0Bh];
 widget0Bh -> widget0Eh [sametail=widget0Bh];
 widget0Fh [label="widget0Fh\ndevice=Mic 
 widget0Bh -> widget0Fh [sametail=widget0Bh];
 widget10h [label="widget10h\ndevice=Line 
 widget0Bh -> widget10h [sametail=widget0Bh];
 widget13h -> widget11h [sametail=widget13h];
 widget13h [shape=invhouse];
 widget07h -> widget13h [sametail=widget07h];
 {rank=min; widget02h; widget03h; widget04h; widget05h;}
 {rank=max; widget08h; widget09h; widget0Dh; widget0Fh; widget10h; widget11h; 

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