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Re: GSoC: Sysinst enhancements proposal


> The main goal of the project is to add to NetBSD installer (sysinst)
> ability to install system to GPT-ed, LVM-ed, encrypted disks, RAIDs and to
> disk images (vnconfig). Also there are additional goals: improve sysinst
> usability and rewrite some utilities for more code sharing with sysinst.
> ...
> Also sysint have a bit little defects in usability. In this direction I'm
> planning to do work including: splitting all installation process to
> separate steps and adding ability to run some step independently i.e. disk
> partitioning or extracting tar-files (useful when /targetroot already
> mounted by hand), add menu back option, improve network configuration
> dialog.
I think you know my scepticism about sysinst from the earlier post to this
list. ;-)
Btw, one question: What is your planned language for this? Do you want to
make it in C, or in Lua (as you suggested merging mbalmers patches)?
Are you planning any interface changes or just adding this functionality?

>   2. Patches that divide gpt(8) code into two parts: core functions
> (backend) and /sbin/gpt (frontend). That's will be useful for code share;
>   3. (probably, if time will allow) Patches to gpt(8), fdisk(8),
> disklabel(8), sunlabel(8) and sysinst to share code into one library that
> contains all needed partitioning functions;
That'd be very nice imho. I just wonder if having a library for that is more
difficult than just having the tool usage itself unified.

> I'm planning continue my work with NetBSD installer after GSoC. That include
> "Add binary pkg install to sysinst" project if it will remain actual.
> Also I have some other plans including:
>   * Creating DVD and USB flash live/install combined images;
I'm really curious about that and it would be great! We had a small discussion
in #netbsd (Freenode) about that topic and wondered what actually makes
systems boot from isos on flash drives. sysiso is the way to go, somebody
E.g. Debian already has this functionality.

>   * Implementing ability to install pkgsrc from sysinst;
This was already implemented, though not committed. See the appropriate PR
for that (this would fix binary package installation as well - or, somehow).

>   * Implementing install scripts support for automated install;
I actually have such scripts (but they're not based on sysinst) - imho,
ideally this functionality should be integrated in sysinst as well.
Feel free to contact me about that (though it's not really much to do).

>   * Researching into using bsdinstall as NetBSD installer (probably).
I'd rather tend to bsdinstaller. Research bsdinstall, too, but from what I
looked at I considered it rather primitive and not as extensible as

> Same scheme for RAID and for VND images. For VND you need to select
> partition and in actions-menu enter image size and patch where this images
> will be created. Then image will be added to main screen as a normal disk.
> Also available feature to use entire disk and create default partitions
> deal.
This scheme actually looks very nice.

Regards, Julian

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