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Re: CVS commit: src

On Aug 27, 11:20am, Tom Spindler wrote:
} >     src/sys/dist/pf/net: pf.c
} >     src/sys/netinet: icmp_var.h ip_icmp.c
} >     src/usr.bin/netstat: inet.c
} > 
} > Log Message:
} > Change ICMP stats from a structure to an array of uint64_t's.
} > 
} > Note: This is ABI-compatible with the old icmpstat structure; old netstat
} > binaries will continue to work properly.
} But it causes systat to crash and burn:
} /home/dogcow/work/nbsrc/usr.bin/systat/icmp.c: In function 'showicmp':
} /home/dogcow/work/nbsrc/usr.bin/systat/icmp.c:130: error: invalid use of 
undefined type 'struct icmpstat'

     Caused netstat to crash and burn too until I fixed it.  I didn't
have time to deal with sysstat.  Mmm...  testing changes before

/brick thorpej

}-- End of excerpt from Tom Spindler

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