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Re: CVS commit: [netbsd-3] src/usr.bin/make

On Thu, Jun 16, 2005 at 07:38:52PM +1000, matthew green wrote:
> ugh.  this change has a PR against it for breaking the build.  it
> should not have been pulled up yet :-(

There have been any number of quick pullups lately, some of which have
concerned me because they haven't really had much time to be
well-tested in -current first.

From one perspective, this is a good thing; releng is being efficient
and responsive - thanks guys.

The basic idea is that developers should wait a while before
requesting pullups of their changes.  But it's much easier to forward
the commit message as soon as you get it, and there's much less risk
of forgetting to make the pullup request. Certainly, I'm guilty of
doing this myself.

Perhaps we should have a policy that (most) pullups sit in req for a
period of time to stabilise before being actioned?  This seems better
than relying on people to remember to submit pullups 'next week'.


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