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CVS commit: sharesrc/share

Module Name:    sharesrc
Committed By:   lukem
Date:           Fri May  3 08:58:46 UTC 2002

Modified Files:
        sharesrc/share/man/man5: mk.conf.5

Log Message:
Move the METALOG from ${_SRC_TOP_OBJ_} to ${DESTDIR}.

There were too many synchronisation problems with using the former;
including situations such as a "make clean" performed between two
installs to the same DESTDIR would result in a truncated METALOG and
the resultant sets would be missing stuff such as include files that
don't get reinstalled if they haven't changed, even with !UPDATE.

To generate a diff of this commit:
cvs rdiff -r1.12 -r1.13 sharesrc/share/man/man5/mk.conf.5
cvs rdiff -r1.290 -r1.291 sharesrc/share/mk/

Please note that diffs are not public domain; they are subject to the
copyright notices on the relevant files.

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