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Re: CVS commit: src/external/cddl/dtracetoolkit/dist/Man/man1m

On 2020/06/25 17:39, Sevan Janiyan wrote:
On 25/06/2020 08:48, Rin Okuyama wrote:
 > Thank you for working on this, but this makes sync with upstream
 > very difficult...

I will be upstreaming these changes. upstream:
Just need to find a better way for presenting the columns for field descriptions, before I raise the pull request.
Thank you!

 > The best way should be automatically converting them by some script
 > when building. But if it is too difficult, we can install these files
 > as is with minimum adjustments for our system; mandoc still works for
 > them, although output is not very beautiful.

I shouldn't have made the changes here for another reason, as the manuals are in man1m/$name.1m, it doesn't fit in easily with the mechanism we have in src/share/mk for installing manuals which assumes $name.[1-9].
Hmm, no idea at the moment...


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