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Re: CVS commit: src/sys

On 2020/04/17 22:14, Jason Thorpe wrote:

On Apr 17, 2020, at 12:24 AM, Robert Elz <kre%munnari.OZ.AU@localhost> wrote:

For this, RCS and RCS semantics are irrelevant aren't they?

No, not really.  With the modern systems, the "commit ID" identifies the state of the entire collection of files, not individual ones.  Thus, you only need exactly one instance of the ID, not one ID per file.

Exactly, but at the same time I think that RCSID is still useful till
we switch to a sane VCS with unique commit ID's.

The attached patch adds SHF_MERGE|SHF_STRINGS flags as Joerg suggested.
I've confirmed that it works fine both for GCC/binutils and LLVM (for
kernel and userland).

OK to commit, or objections?

Index: sys/sys/cdefs_elf.h
RCS file: /home/netbsd/src/sys/sys/cdefs_elf.h,v
retrieving revision 1.55
diff -p -u -r1.55 cdefs_elf.h
--- sys/sys/cdefs_elf.h	22 Mar 2020 00:25:01 -0000	1.55
+++ sys/sys/cdefs_elf.h	17 Apr 2020 13:23:01 -0000
@@ -136,12 +136,12 @@
 #if __STDC__
 #define	__SECTIONSTRING(_sec, _str)					\
-	__asm(".pushsection " #_sec "\n"				\
+	__asm(".pushsection " #_sec ", \"MS\", @progbits, 1\n"		\
 	      ".asciz \"" _str "\"\n"					\
 #define	__SECTIONSTRING(_sec, _str)					\
-	__asm(".pushsection _sec\n"					\
+	__asm(".pushsection _sec, \"MS\", @progbits, 1\n"		\
 	      ".asciz \"" _str "\"\n"					\

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