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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/kern

On 07.05.2019 02:49, matthew green wrote:
>> I see. I will document in the man page that (void *)0 and (void *)1 are
>> special cases and they have to be set with PTRACE_REG_SET_PC()
>> explicitly if really intended.
>> Keeping allowed 0x0 in PT_CONTINUE/PT_DETACH/.. makes it harder to
>> distinguish between broken kernel and broken program.
> the problem is you are trying to make potentially valid values
> into magic values.
> what's the ultimate goal here?

0x0 for Program Counter have two issues:

 - it's not an unimplemented argument in the Linux kernel (and
conventionally set to 0x0)

 - once it causes a breakage it's not immediately clear situation what
is culprit (debugger? kernel? broken program?)

Forbidding 0x0 makes it easier to deal with. It's like a trap and from
time to time someone is falling into it.

There was a thread by another developer about this exact case, just a
few months back.

>  can you use explicit signalling
> instead of embedding special values?  overloading values like
> this leads to pain and failure.
> maybe you can put this behind a sysctl -- perhaps even re-use
> vm.user_va0_disable, such that the normal system will fail like
> you are wanting, but it's possible to get around it if the
> admin chooses.

Probably just forbidding it for vm.user_va0_disable is a good solution.
What do you think?

> thanks.
> .mrg.

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