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Re: CVS commit: src/usr.bin/telnet

On Dec 15, 10:56pm, "Maya Rashish" wrote:
} Module Name:	src
} Committed By:	maya
} Date:		Sat Dec 15 22:56:51 UTC 2018
} Removed Files:
} 	src/usr.bin/telnet: README
} Log Message:
} Remove README relevant to 1995 telnet.

     What changes have been made to render the README obsolete? Is
it not still basically the same code.  I don't recall any major
overhauls of the code.  Of course, it is possible that my recollection
is faulty.  However, if my recollection isn't faulty, then the
README is still totally relevant.

}-- End of excerpt from "Maya Rashish"

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