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Re: CVS commit: src/sys

On Aug 23, 12:07am, kre%munnari.OZ.AU@localhost (Robert Elz) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: CVS commit: src/sys

| Christos Zoulas writes:
|  | Yes, I don't know if they caught the changes, but nevertheless I am running
|  | an evbarm build right now anyway..
| The current buildbot build started 14:09, your changes were 14:11 and 14:12
| (all UTC), so no ...   (and the source time is rounded back to an even 10
| mins, so the builds would be using sources from 14:00).
| There are buildbot evbarm builds finished now, all passed so far:
| evbarm-aarch64
| evbarm-earmeb
| evbarm-earmhfeb
| evbmips-mipsel
| evbarm-earm
| evbarm-earmv6hf

Mine needs fixing :-)

======  1 missing files in DESTDIR  ========
Files in flist but missing from DESTDIR.
File wasn't installed ?
========  end of 1 missing files  ==========

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