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Re: CVS commit: src/lib/libc/regex

On 26.02.2018 15:41, Christos Zoulas wrote:
> On Feb 26,  2:33pm, (Kamil Rytarowski) wrote:
> -- Subject: Re: CVS commit: src/lib/libc/regex
> | Looking at the internals of regasub(3) and regnsub(3), 10 is not just a
> | lower limit, but also the upper limit. I will try to explain it better
> | in a documentation and leave the code as it is.
> Yes, the way to fix this is to come up with syntax to support more than
> one digit, perhaps \{10}...
> christos

I have no opinion and no request on changing this. Also 10 (9 without
\0) matches are already a lot and what matters to me, this is a well
defined behavior.

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