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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/dev/pci

On Oct 28,  1:18pm, (Paul Goyette) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: CVS commit: src/sys/dev/pci

| snappendprintf() seemed a rather unwieldly function name, so I called it 
| snappendf()!

:-) I read this like snapper at first.

| The attached diffs implement this function and use in throughout 
| pci_devinfo().
| At some time in the future we will eventually get products whose verbose 
| description exceed the currently-allocated 256-byte buffer, so I really 
| think we should implement this (or something similar) to protect against 
| buffer overflows.  Does anyone have any major objections?  Are there 
| better alternatives than snappendf() that should be pursued instead?

I don't know. That looks ok except 'int len = end - *dest;' will produce
a warning unless casted. Taylor's suggestion which was similar was reasonable


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