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re: CVS commit: src/sys/dev/pci

On Wed, 26 Oct 2016, matthew green wrote:

i think you're right that the 'cp' manipulation is the problem.
snprintf() will return the "desired" size, so upon the first
attempted overflow the 'cp' is moved beyond 'ep', and then the
next snprintf() gets a negative aka extremely massive value
for the buffer length and actual overflow happens here, and ssp
detects it.

the fix would be to change this:

	cp += snprintf(cp, ep - cp, ...);

into this:

	len = snprintf(cp, ep - cp, ...);
	if (len > ep - cp)
	cp += len;

which is annoying because there are a lot of the former.

There's only 9 snprintf() calls.  I could simply provide a macro:

#define ADD_TEXT(dest, end, format, ...)			\
	{							\
		int len, max = (end) - (dest);			\

		len = snprintf((dest), max, (format), __VA_ARGS__); \
		if (len > max)					\
			return;					\
		(dest) += len;					\

Then all of the snprintf() calls become simply

	ADD_TEXT(cp, ep, <format>, ...);

(Of course, after last use I'd add a #undef ADD_TEXT to clean up...)

| Paul Goyette     | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:      |
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