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Re: CVS commit: src/sys

On Fri, 16 Sep 2016, Paul Goyette wrote:

Log Message:
make it possible to load nvme(4) as module to ease testing; currently somewhat
non-optimal, since it includes the ld(4) code also and hence requires the
kernel config to have 'no ld'

Wouldn't it make more sense to also enable ld(4) as its own module, and then have nvme "require" ld?

Actually, it looks like we really should have four separate modules here...

* ld        For the common ld code
* ld_nvme   For the 'ld* at nvme?' attachment code, requires "ld,nvme"
* nvme      For the common nvme code
* nvme_pci  For the 'nvme* at pci?' attachment code, requires "nvme,pci"

| Paul Goyette     | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:      |
| (Retired)        | FA29 0E3B 35AF E8AE 6651 | paul at   |
| Kernel Developer | 0786 F758 55DE 53BA 7731 | pgoyette at |

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