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Re: CVS commit: src/share/man/man4

In article <>,
Paul Goyette  <> wrote:
>Yeah, this is workable, even if it is a HACK !  :)
>The attached patch borrows extensively from fd_free() routine in 
>Let me know if this looks "good enough" and I will commit it.  (I'll 
>also update the BUGS section of the man-page to describe the hack.)
>FWIW, I have tested with log-file fd values of 1 and 4, while the 
>/dev/filemon fd is always 3.  In the "1" case the patch correctly 
>returned EINVAL (it would cause a deadlock), while the "4" case 
>succeeded and no deadlock occurred.

As a temporary hack it is probably good enough. Longer term filemon
should be removed/rewritten, and the close ordering problem should
be handled.


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