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Re: CVS commit: [netbsd-7] src

On Sep 25,  4:34am, "Soren Jacobsen" wrote:
} Module Name:	src
} Committed By:	snj
} Date:		Fri Sep 25 04:34:17 UTC 2015
} Modified Files:
} 	src/distrib/notes/common [netbsd-7]: main
} 	src/doc [netbsd-7]: CHANGES-7.0 README.files
} 	src/sys/sys [netbsd-7]: param.h
} Log Message:
} hello there, NetBSD 7.0
} this one's for you, soren@
} Index: src/sys/sys/param.h
} diff -u src/sys/sys/param.h:1.459.2.5 src/sys/sys/param.h:1.459.2.6
} --- src/sys/sys/param.h:1.459.2.5	Tue Aug 11 05:37:41 2015
} +++ src/sys/sys/param.h	Fri Sep 25 04:34:17 2015
} @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
} -/*	$NetBSD: param.h,v 1.459.2.5 2015/08/11 05:37:41 snj Exp $	*/
} +/*	$NetBSD: param.h,v 1.459.2.6 2015/09/25 04:34:17 snj Exp $	*/
}  /*-
}   * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1993
} @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
}   *	2.99.9		(299000900)
}   */
} -#define	__NetBSD_Version__	700000001	/* NetBSD 7.0_RC3 */
} +#define	__NetBSD_Version__	700000001	/* NetBSD 7.0 */

     Shouldn't the number just be 700000000?  I just checked 6.0
and see that it is 600000000.  Why is there a "1" on the end?

}  #define __NetBSD_Prereq__(M,m,p) (((((M) * 100000000) + \
}      (m) * 1000000) + (p) * 100) <= __NetBSD_Version__)
}-- End of excerpt from "Soren Jacobsen"

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