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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/arch/atari/stand/installboot

christos@ wrote:

> Yes be16enc() should work just fine, I think.

Then why don't you guys also complain to fix existing abcksum() function
which is called at the suggested memcpy?

	/* set AHDI checksum */
	sum = 0;
	memcpy(bb->bb_xxboot + 255 * sizeof(sum), &sum, sizeof(sum));
	sum = 0x1234 - abcksum(bb->bb_xxboot);
	memcpy(bb->bb_xxboot + 255 * sizeof(sum), &sum, sizeof(sum));

static u_int
abcksum (void *bs)
	u_int16_t sum  = 0,
		  *st  = (u_int16_t *)bs,
		  *end = (u_int16_t *)bs + 256;

	while (st < end)
		sum += *st++;

I think the "correct" fix is to redefine a boot block structures as
a union of existing struct bootblock and uint16_t array in <sys/bootblock.h>,
but it would be done when we will merge it into MI installboot.

Fixing only a visible part you are shown in a patch to appease compiler
makes no sense even for correctness.

Izumi Tsutsui

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