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Re: CVS commit: src/sys/arch

On May 20,  1:19am, (Klaus Klein) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: CVS commit: src/sys/arch

| > The purpose of this is to make it easier to query the range of the type.
| > (ssize_t)-1 would work too.
| But having SSIZE_MIN at all is at odds with the scope of ssize_t
| (I've quoted the definition above).

I understand what you are saying (that the only values ssize_t should be
really defined for are [-1...SSIZE_MAX]; at the same time ssize_t has a
numeric range, which is independent of its intended use. Knowing what that
range is, is useful.

| Actually no: glibc as no such thing.  Googling for it I've found several
| applications jumping through hoops to define some kind of SSIZE_MIN without
| ever using it afterwards.  libevent's regression test might be its
| lone user.
| Since the netbsd-6 branch precedes this change I propose the timely
| removal of SSIZE_MIN and resurrection of a suitable version of the
| kludge libevent used before.  (I doubt the removal of EV_SSIZE_MIN
| would cause much grief except for the regression test; I won't mind
| asking the libevent maintainers about that constant.)

Fine with me.


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