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Re: CVS commit: src/crypto/external/bsd/netpgp/dist

On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 07:11:56AM +0100, Iain Hibbert wrote:
> So, what exactly is your problem?  I don't understand your complaint that
> "atf is too intrusive"; it is a test framework and all the code that it
> runs is written to automatically run within that framework..  also, the
> pretty reports are pretty, hm?

The reports are one of the things. atf-run | atf-report is extremely
noisy -- what do I care about all the passing test cases as long as I
see progress being made? Replace all that useless data with output of
the failures and it gets a lot more developer friendly. Compare LLVM's
test suite for the experience.

The problem with intrusiveness is that it requires a lot of boiler plate
code in test cases. Again, compare the size of the average test case in
LLVM (and the test suite specific code in it) with ATF.

Neither issue is unfixable.


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