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Re: now running Xen 4.20-rc in test

For anyone interested I've pushed my NetBSD patches for Xen here:


I'm a wee bit behind xen-project/xen:master, but I don't think anything
conflicts yet.

These include most, if not all, of the necessary patches from pkgsrc, as
well as additional patches to properly fix some deeper incompatibilities.

I hope to try to push them upstream, but the Xen project is still
primarily using a private non-forkable Git hosting service and they
still want to see patches sent to a mailing list for review, but I'm
having trouble working with some problems their email protection
provider is having so I can't even get on the xen-devel mailing list

					Greg A. Woods <gwoods%acm.org@localhost>

Kelowna, BC     +1 250 762-7675           RoboHack <woods%robohack.ca@localhost>
Planix, Inc. <woods%planix.com@localhost>     Avoncote Farms <woods%avoncote.ca@localhost>

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