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Re: Trouble getting xbd devices to work

    Date:        Sat, 25 Aug 2018 17:09:32 -0700
    From:        John Nemeth <jnemeth%cue.bc.ca@localhost>
    Message-ID:  <201808260009.w7Q09W7a019122%server.cornerstoneservice.ca@localhost>

  |      Looks like you can just add 'xendomains=""' to /etc/rc.conf.
  | The script starts with:
  |         [ -n "$xendomains" ] || return
  | We should probably change it not to bomb if $xendomains isn't set.

Setting it to "" wouldn't help, that code is broken - someone attempting
to write a "fancy" if statement - while the effect on execution is correct,
the resulting status is not.

That should almost certainly be

	if [ -z "$xendomains" ]; then return; fi

(assuming it is in a function, which in an rc.d script it probably is) so that
it isn't forcing a 1 exit status on the return which the former version is.

If a short form is **really** wanted, it could be

	[ -z "$xendomains" ] && return

but what's the point, really?

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